How Are Bow Legs Treated with surgery
How Are Bow Legs Treated
Did you know that bow legs distortion treatment can take place in only 1 day?
You will find answers to many questions about bow legs treatment in this article.
What are bow legs
The crooked leg is basically an incompatibility between the laptop part and the knee part in the legs. Generally, the laptop part is thick and there is oil accumulation especially in the inner part of the knee.
Since there is not enough tissue volume in the inner part of the leg below the knee, the legs appear as "o". The aim is to thin the upper leg, reduce the tissue inside the knee, and replace the missing tissue in the lower part of the knee.
How to fix bow legs with surgery
The operations performed to correct the crooked legs are basically performed with 2 techniques. This area is thinned by liposuction around the knee. The fats taken are given to the inside of the calf. In other words, the patient gets rid of this situation with his own tissue.
Fat removal process is done with the help of laser liposuction. Thanks to the laser, only fat tissue is melted, which reduces possible problems. Another important advantage of the laser system is that it provides skin tightening on adipose tissue.
The fat taken from the micro holes without leaving any traces is enriched with stem cells obtained from the patient's own fat tissue and the viability of the given fat cells is increased.
In cases where the patient's own adipose tissue is not enough, that is, in weak people, a silicone implant is placed on the inner side of the knee above the muscle.
How to fix bow legs without surgery Exercise -1-
Follow these four exercises daily to fix your bow legs.

Place a nice thick rolled towel in between your knees. Stand straight with your arms raised over your head. Now gently bend forward, without bending your legs and try touching your toes.
The idea is not to touch your toes but to go as low as possible without bending your knees.
Now slowly bring your arms to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
This exercise helps to brings your knees together.
However, if you are interested to fix your bow legs permanently then read this article. This article teaches you how to fix your bow legs naturally, permanently and without the expensive cost of surgeries.
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